Thursday, February 10, 2011


I will keep this short and sweet! I don't have any inspiring thoughts for you... just a little bit of what I learned. 2010 and I have a love hate relationship. At the beginning of this year you could have called me what some people refer to as a quote un-quote "lost puppy" yes that was me I was the picture perfect lost puppy. In January I decided that I wanted to grow up and do WHAT I WANTED I was under a little influence of my friends being moved out and doing what they wanted. But I  still wanted to live free! aka my parents house. A few of you may know my amazing step mom Tamar and her strong personality was not letting me get away with this and bless my little lost puppy soul I was going to do something about IT and I chose to move out of my families home in Springville. Which then forced me to take a big leap into being a grown up! This hit me hard $310 for rent $200 for gas $70 for my cell phone (latest and greatest T-mobile has to offer) $60 for car insurance and then I realized food is not free! this hit me hard and fast my little waitress job at Pizza Factory was no longer cutting it! I had to do something drastic DRY CLEANING & BEYOND here I come! yes I work at a dry cleaner! you heard right the hyper fun crazy girl you know sits at a dry cleaner by herself way to QUIET! But thanks to my dads friend Jesse I was now the newest manager/employee at DCB Provo store! Its a steady income and I thought how hard could this be. I got a wake up call about a month into it when I had to have confrontation with my employees, fix problems, and deal with customers complaints. This job is a lot harder than I thought. but it gets better.... as time went on I then realized I was getting into a serious relationship with DCB I did not know if I was ready for then I found myself a few months later as the paychecks got bigger. We exchanged voes and now we are MARRIED!.... get serious!! not literally but hypothetically speaking!
I have learned a lot this past year! Growing up is not easy, finding good friends is really hard, its not worth fighting with your roommates over a borrowed q-tip, stay strong, be yourself, try to be the peace maker when you live with 9 girls!
I tested myself a lot this year having the freedom I had always hoped for allowed me to make mistakes and learn from them. I soon learned that everything happens for a reason and I unfortunately have to learn the hard way!
I also made good decisions! surprising? I know... I got my life back in order and where I always hoped to have it. Thank goodness my Heavenly Father loves me and is willing to forgive me!
I am in the best place I have ever been and have the best friends I could ask for and I am HAPPY!
but its time the put 2010 in the past and bring on 2011
New Year, New Friends, New Me!

1 comment:

  1. love you, girl! 2010 was a GREAT year because our budding friendship finally BLOOMED! can't wait to stalk the hell outta your blog!
